DIY Repurpose Furniture Ideas

Repurposed furniture is all the rage, and it’s budget friendly.  I love searching for unique pieces of furniture that I can either re-paint or use in a fun way.

DIY furniture

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.

You have to let your imagination run wide.  I’ve seen people take ladders and turn them into a towel rack, or something as simple as painting an old chest with a fun bold color.  Don’t hold back, add a conversational piece to your home.  Yallalist is a great place to find furniture that you can easily repurpose, check out the classified section of the website.

Get some DIY furniture ideas:

There is nothing like putting your personal stamp on an item in your home. So get going….Put on your creative hat and start having fun turning an old piece of furniture into something new.


Making Your Small Apartment Functional

There is nothing better then a space in your home that is functional.  I love having a particular place for everything.  Especially if you live in a small apartment or home.  Function is key on making your life easier.

My number one rule and must have for every space, a tray.  It sounds simple and your right it is. Not only does it add style, but it keeps clutter contained, which makes it look organized.  Rule number 2, you have to go through the tray at least once a week, you can’t just keep piling on top of it.

Yallalist on Pinterest

For more tips and tricks, check out our Pinterest board.  We pinned the best tips and tricks on how to make your small apartment functional.  Don’t get overwhelmed take one tip at a time.  You will soon be organized.

How to Prepare for Christmas – 2014

It’s time to get ready for the day we’ve been all waiting for…. Christmas Day.  Whether you are having family and friends over for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, you need to prepare.  That means clean and declutter. Don’t allow the dust to build up with all your holiday decorations.

Prepare for Christmas

“Declutter before all your guests arrive” 

Let’s face it, you bought gifts this month and that means you are more then likely over budget on spending.  Well I have a great idea! Declutter your home.  Get ride of items you really don’t need and sell them on You are killing two birds with one stone.  First, you are decluttering, and second you can make some extra cash.

Declutter 101: 2 Box Method

I like to start with two boxes.  Label one of the boxes ‘Sell’ and the second box ‘Trash’.  Now it’s time to begin, go through your home and find things that you haven’t used in a long time or completely forgot you even had to begin with.  My rule of thumb if you haven’t used it in a year, then you wont miss it – get ride of it.  Just think you are turning your unused things into cash.

Follow these simple steps and you will not only be prepared for Christmas but also ahead of the game with extra cash.